Instructor Lynda Kirow led an exercise class in the gymnasium
By Kathy Rowe
In the heart of the Centennial community lies the Port Union Community Centre. We are fortunate to have this wonderful place for recreation so close to home. There are many communities within the city that do not have easy access to a community centre, never mind a library branch or a fully equipped weight room. Having all these features in our community under one roof is remarkable really. Our community centre offers a wide range of programs for all ages.
Drop-in Programs for Seniors
A long list of free drop-in programs for seniors are offered Monday through Friday. These programs include: snooker/pool, knitting, crocheting, quilting, bunka, pickleball, euchre, bridge, bingo, amateur radio club, learn to speak French, the Memory Lane Band, ukulele club, computer lab, drawing/painting, wood carving/burning and modellers club.
Bus Trips for Seniors
If you enjoy bus trips to destinations both in and outside of the city, drop by and have a look at the travel board. Someone at the Welcome Desk will be happy to answer your questions and sign you up to go on a trip.
Programs for Children
Registration for pay programs for the winter session has begun, but there are still some spaces available for weekday morning and evening fitness classes and select weekend programs for children. These programs begin the week of January 8. Pick up a program brochure to see all of the programs offered.
In September, the City of Toronto launched FitnessTO. This initiative puts emphasis on affordable fitness in recreation centres across the city. Prices for weight room memberships have been reduced significantly so that health and wellness is more accessible to everyone. Stop by and find out what kind of membership is right for you. Staff will be happy to help.
There is something for everyone at the Port Union Community Centre.