Why Join CCRA? * Special November Membership Incentive
CCRA has been the voice of Centennial Scarborough for over 70 years. The CCRA newspaper, Centennial News, is distributed for free to all homes in the Centennial neighbourbood to keep residents engaged and involved with our beautiful community. Your membership in CCRA ensures that we have a strong voice to best represent the interests of our residents. The stronger the membership numbers, the stronger our voice.
Your membership payment each year enables us to work on your behalf for:
- Representation to all levels of government
- Creation or preservation of Adams Park, William Dempsey Eco Park, Wanita Park
- Helped develop Port Union Community and Recreation Centre
- Helped develop Port Union the Port Union Waterfront
- Environmental watchdog – Proposed Largest Waste Transfer and Bio-Gas Plant in Ontario on Coronation Drive, environmental assessment for the Highland Creek Water Treatment Plant, Johns Manville site (asbestos)
- Plan and attend meetings, provide community input, and report on local issues such as Ecole elementaire catholique Saint-Michel, Highland Creek redevelopment plan
Participate in and financially support community activities: Winterfest, Summer Concerts in the Park, Port Union Waterfront Festival, Earth Day, Heritage Day Parade
Sponsorship of sports clubs, Scouting, school events and activities, and scholarships
On behalf of Centennial residents, CCRA supports the Tony Stacey Centre for Veterans Care (TSC). In 2020, CCRA helped with the organization of the first ever car parade at TSC to support the front line workers especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. CCRA organized a major fundraiser for TSC which raised over $20,000.00, including a donation directly from CCRA of $10,000.00. The funds were allocated to purchase ten Point of Care Kiosks and to upgrade much dated computer infrastructure at the centre. This use of funds will free up time for staff to spend more quality time with each resident.
News and Information
Our CCRA Centennial Newspaper and this website are valuable sources of community news and resources, and provide our elected politicians with regular space to stay in touch with Centennial residents. CCRA News accounts on Twitter and Facebook keep neighbours updated with posts from around the neighbourhood and City.
Your membership is our primary source of fundraising so join CCRA today to keep our community engaged and active.
Your membership is our primary source of fundraising so join CCRA today to keep our community engaged and active.
Just fill out our membership form using your Credit Card or Visa Debit Card or your PayPal account.
Membership Chair, Denise Bacon – email