Members of the Neighbourhood Liaison Committee (NLC) and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie were given a tour of the facility on July 13.
By Anthony Pigaidoulis Plant Manager
On July 13, Toronto Water’s Highland Creek Treatment Plant welcomed its Neighbourhood Liaison Committee (NLC) members and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie for a tour of the facility. The NLC is a dedicated group of individuals comprised of local residents and representatives of community organizations who meet annually to receive updates on the operations and progress of capital work at the treatment plant.
The tour focused on the liquid treatment processes at the plant and the visitors were very impressed with the operations of the new headworks facility. The headworks is equipped with fine perforated plate screens and washer compactors that have dramatically increased the screenings removal efficiency, producing positive impacts for all downstream processes. In addition, the headworks odour control system consisting of a biofilter has improved the air quality surrounding the plant and greatly reduced the number of complaints received from the community.
The NLC’s ongoing support of the capital work project focused on the solids handling will help to reduce the impacts to local residents. The co-chair of the committee Frank Moir (seen on the right in group photo) and other long-term members, such as Barbara McElgunn and the late Allen Elias, have demonstrated tremendous dedication and passion for the NLC and the community and have left their mark on how Toronto Water manages the Highland Creek Treatment Plant. The plant staff were delighted to receive such an enthusiastic group and enjoyed great discussions about how the Highland Creek Treatment Plant operates.
Residents and neighbours are invited to the next meeting scheduled for October 19, 2023. Time: 7 – 9 p.m. Location: In-person at Highland Creek Treatment Plant – Administration Building Training Room (Enter through Entrance A), 51 Beechgrove Dr.
If you are interested in more information about the Highland Creek Treatment Plant NLC, you can visit www.toronto.ca/water or contact Amanda Ratych at Amanda.Ratych@toronto.ca