By Kathryn Stocks

Our second Pumpkin Parade will be held on November 1 and we hope you’ll come out to it! This event gives people an opportunity to display their jack-o-lanterns the day after Halloween. After all, a lot of effort is put into creating a masterpiece out of those orange orbs so it’s fun to admire all the creative carving that’s gone on in the neighbourhood.

The venue has been changed this year and the parade will be held behind the Port Union Community Centre. So if it’s cold and rainy, like it was in 2018, residents can view the pumpkin display inside. Last year, the event was held at the Port Union Common and everyone got soaked. In spite of that, more than 60 people came out with their pumpkins. So this year should be even better!

You can start bringing your pumpkins to the community centre at 5:45 p.m. Please include a tea light. Even if you don’t have a jack-o-lantern to display, come out to admire everyone else’s. It’s a delightful sight to see all those pumpkins glowing side-byside in the dark.

Afterwards, you can leave your pumpkin there and we’ll put it into a large compost bin. Or feel free to take it home with you. Some people don’t think you can cook them, but we’ve been doing it for years. We cut ours up, then boil, mash and freeze it to use in pies, soups and muffins throughout the year.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!