Thanks to St-Michel’s French Catholic Elementary School’s Grade 5 students, their teacher, principal and CCRA for getting a traffic signal installed near their school at Meadowvale and Lawrence.
From the time of its creation in 1949, Centennial Community & Recreation Association has provided a united voice on behalf of residents.
CCRA strives to represent the interest of Centennial residents and advocates to all levels of government for our community. Members of our executive frequently depute on issues to Toronto Council and participate as stakeholders during public consultations for projects impacting our area. Over the last few years, some of the assessments we have participated on include:
- Scarborough Waterfront Project
- The Highland Creek Treatment Plan Biosolids Environmental Assessment
- Port Union Road Widening
- Metrolinx Guildwood to Pickering Project
- Highland Creek Transportation Study
Since its formation in 1949 as “The Centennial Recreation Association”, CCRA’s objectives have been to meet recreational needs in the area and provide a respected, leading voice for the entire community. It has guided development in Centennial, and played a leading role for many area initiatives and issues. Here are just a few of the results of CCRA’s advocacy since the 1950s:
- Skating facilities and children’s programs at Centennial Road School (1950)
- Gymnasium and auditorium built at Centennial Road School (1952)
- Negotiations with Scarborough Township to purchase 47.5 acres of land, creating Adams Park with the planting of 20,000 trees (1952)
- Land use proposals presented to Scarborough Planning Board (1951), and continued discussions resulting in a Centennial Community Zoning By-law (1966)
- Building and dedication of the gates at Adams Park
- Improved commuter transportation and road improvements
- Development of Port Union Community and Recreation Centre
- Preservation of Centennial Creek
- Cleanup and monitoring of asbestos waste on Johns Manville plant site
- Development of Port Union Waterfront Park
CCRA continues its tradition of supporting improvements to our community, environmental preservation, sound land use and providing recreational programs and events that meet the needs of all residents.