Celebrating Marilyn’s leadership at CPLC


By Paul Rowe,
Community Services Officer

On September 14, members of the Toronto Police Service’s 43 Division Community Liaison Committee, family members and officers from 43 Division met to celebrate the countless and selfless hours that chairperson Marilyn Hodge has provided to her community of southeast Scarborough during the past 14 years.

Among Marilyn’s many other charitable works in the community, including the Retired Teachers of Ontario, she has been instrumental in the day-to-day operations of 43 Division’s CPLC. Under  her leadership, 43 Division’s annual skate day, its annual open house, and the auxiliary Christmas toy drive operated smoothly. She spent untold hours organizing the various community events in and she was always an enthusiastic participaant.

During Marilyn’s time with the CPLC she worked with four different superintendents in both 42 Division and 43 Division, which she moved to in 2006 when it opened as it is nearer the neighbourhood that she still proudly serves. Marilyn was voted as the chairperson in 2011 and she has been indispensable ever since. She continues as a member of the CPLC and the officers of 43 Division along with her fellow committee members wish Marilyn complete success in a new chapter of her life.