Centennial News is delighted to have Derrick Liberty’s stunning watercolour “A Winter’s Day at Colonel Danforth Park” to highlight this issue. Derrick has lived in the Centennial community since 1995. His painting is a good reminder that even in winter Centennial is a wonderful place to be, so continue to get outside to walk and hike as much as you can and try to embrace the season.

By Kathryn Stocks

What to say as 2020 painfully lurches to an end and we find ourselves in another lockdown? With the holiday season arriving and COVID cases surging, we won’t be able to gather in large groups at least until December 21. No parties or festive events, just get-togethers with members of your household. This has the potential to be bleak.

You’re probably hearing a lot of people say “shop local this year” and it’s so true if we want our neighbourhood businesses to keep going. Having to shut down during the buying season is brutal for them. So even though their shops are closed, check online to see if you can help them out. See page 6 for a list of ways you can help.

During the lockdown, restaurants can no longer serve indoors or on patios but many are still open for takeout and delivery. Please make an effort to find out which ones are open and continue to support them, too.

And don’t forget charities. They are suffering as well. Many couldn’t hold their usual fundraising events this year and are strapped for cash when it’s needed most. For your family members who don’t need more stuff, consider giving a charitable donation in their name.

In a front-page article last January, Centennial News welcomed the new year and the new decade with these words: “The last ’20s decade was a defining era… So what will the 2020s bring? It will definitely be a time of change…”

We were right on with that part. This, too, will be a defining era and we will always remember this time in our lives. So do what you can to make this holiday season as special as possible for those around you. Decorate your home, put up outdoor lights and share your baking with your neighbours. Kindness and goodwill go a long way in a difficult time.