Scarborough Job Fair was a huge success this year

I hope you and your families are doing well and enjoying this wonderful spring!

We had an incredible turnout at the Scarborough Job Fair this year, connecting with individuals from across Scarborough who are exploring an array of exciting career opportunities. I hosted over 20 companies looking to hire, and a diverse range of industry professionals provided advice to more than 1,000 participants. This was a great networking opportunity and I am grateful to everyone who supported the event and my many constituents who came out looking for new opportunities.

Plan to Boost Math and Literacy Skills

There is no doubt that our students are struggling in school as recent EQAO data has shown that Ontario students, like those in other provinces and countries, require additional support to build foundational reading, writing and math skills. That is why the government has announced its recent plan to boost these skills by investing more than $180 million in targeted support for students in the classroom and at home.

In order to boost math skills, the government is investing $71 million in 2023-24, which will:

  • Hire more than 380 new math educators.
  • Double the number of school math coaches in classrooms.
  • Expand live teacher-led virtual tutoring and digital math tools that can be accessed anytime.
  • Enhance skills of new teachers by covering costs to upskill in math.

In order to strengthen literacy skills, the government is investing $109 million in 2023-24, the largest investment in Canada dedicated to supporting literacy development. This funding will:

  • Support the largest reading screening initiative to identify challenges early.
  • Hire more than 690 literacy educators.

This plan will prioritize foundational subjects such as reading and math to ensure our students can be prepared to succeed.

Protecting the Great Lakes

I had the opportunity to join the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks at the Toronto Harbourfront to announce that the government is investing nearly $1 million to support Indigenous-led projects and youth organizations to help protect and restore the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are home to 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water, and the lifeblood of Ontario’s environmental legacy. That is why we are taking action to ensure the Great Lakes are protected now and for future generations.

Keeping Energy Costs Down

The Ontario government is expanding the Energy Affordability Program, which offers free energy-saving measures including insulation, smart thermostats, energy-efficient refrigerators and air conditioners. This program could dramatically decrease your energy bill.

You can read more about this program at:

Furthermore, we are launching a new ultra-low overnight electricity price as part of our plan to provide customers with more ways to keep costs down, especially with their energy bill. Starting on May 1, customers here in Toronto will have the opportunity to opt into this program that is useful for those who use more electricity at night, saving up to $90.

Increasing Minimum Wage

We recently announced that minimum wage will be increased to $16.55 an hour on October 1 and I am proud that Ontario will have the highest minimum wage in the country. This increase builds on our government’s steady and predictable increases every year to help families offset the rising cost of living.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to my office at 8130 Sheppard Avenue East Unit 105, by email at, or give us a call at 416-283-8448.