Patience is the word of the day right now

By Kathy Rowe

I am so pleased to be able to bring our readers a printed version of our June issue. There certainly has been much discussion of late among CCRA executive members about our digital paper. I have to admit that the majority of readers have expressed a preference for the good old printed version! This expanded issue touches on highlights from our May online edition so I hope you enjoy this bonus issue until we resume in September.

Are you tired of the COVID-19 restrictions yet? I know I am. Although some restrictions are gradually loosening, I know that the “back to the way life used to be” is far, far away.  Social distancing is here for the foreseeable future and mask wearing is becoming the norm. As for our slow days, let’s just admit that our desperation for sunny warm days has never been more dear.  Patience is the word of the day.

Summer Community Events

Port Union Waterfront Festival chair Chair Ekron Malcom emailed the committee in May with a message that read in part: “For 12 years we have held this festival as a successful family event. Based on recent government regulations, I regret to inform you that this event will be cancelled for this year. We look forward to a restart in 2021.”

Rob McMulkin, Community Recreation Programmer at the Port Union Community Centre, recently informed the July summer concerts committee that permits will not be granted for public gatherings this summer. Not a surprise, but a big disappointment to those who enjoy live music outdoors on a warm summer evening.

All the more reason to look forward to a ramped-up list of events in 2021!

Stay safe everyone. We’ll  get through this.