Start date: July 10, 2023 End date: December 2024. More information at:

The City of Toronto will continue road reconstruction and watermain replacement on Port Union Road from Island Road to Lawrence Avenue East. Improvements that will be made as part of this work include widening Port Union Road to create a new northbound vehicle lane, installation of raised cycle tracks and continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street.

To improve road safety, new centre-lanes will be placed at select locations, and curb extensions with raised pedestrian crossings will be added at side streets.

Once complete, these changes will improve conditions for people walking, cycling and driving, and will help to better manage traffic flow.

Progress Update on Port Union Road Improvements Project – June 2024

By Amaan Jabbar

The Centennial community eagerly awaits the completion of the Port Union Road Improvements Project, and we’re thrilled to provide you with the latest update on its progress. The construction work, particularly focusing on the stretch from Lawson Road to Lawrence Avenue East, is well underway, marking significant milestones in enhancing our local infrastructure.

Excavation and Traffic Signal Installation

As of April 26, work crews have made substantial headway by completing the excavation of the west side of Port Union Road from Lawson Road to north of the Centennial Plaza at Lawrence Avenue East. Additionally, temporary traffic signals have been installed at both the Lawson Road and Lawrence Avenue East intersections, ensuring smooth traffic flow and safety for commuters.

Upcoming Activities

As we move forward, the contractor is set to embark on several crucial activities in the month of June:

  1. Tree Removal for Hydro Pole Installation: To accommodate the installation of hydro poles, trees will be removed from the area north of Lawson Road up to Rozell Road on the west side of the road. Additionally, pruning of select trees near Rozell Road will be carried out to facilitate construction activities.
  2. Excavation for Bike Lanes and Curbs: Excavation work will commence for the construction of bike lanes and curbs along the west side of the road, spanning from Lawson Road to Lawrence Avenue East. This excavation is vital for road widening and the creation of raised bike lanes, promoting safer and more accessible cycling routes.
  3. Installation of Catch Basins: The installation of catch basins is scheduled between Lawson Road and Lawrence Avenue, including the vicinity of the Lawrence Avenue intersection. These catch basins play a crucial role in managing stormwater runoff, contributing to improved drainage and reduced flooding risks.
  4. Asphalt Grinding: Crews will continue the grinding of asphalt on the west side of the road, ensuring the surface is prepared for subsequent construction phases. This meticulous process is essential for achieving a smooth and durable roadway.

Community Impact and Future Outlook

While construction activities may cause temporary inconveniences, such as traffic diversions and noise, it’s important to recognize the long-term benefits that the Port Union Road Improvements Project will bring to our community. Enhanced road infrastructure, including widened lanes, designated bike paths, and improved drainage systems, will not only improve traffic flow but also enhance overall safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

As the project progresses, we remain committed to keeping the community informed about developments and addressing any concerns that may arise. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work towards creating a more efficient and sustainable transportation network for Centennial.

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to make strides towards the successful completion of the Port Union Road Improvements Project.

For any questions, contact: 
By phone: 416-392-3556
By email:
Visit the project webpage:

This will be CCRA’s last update until the spring when we will let you know about the resumption of road reconstruction work.

Construction details