A joyous holiday season to you and yours

By Kathy Rowe

On November 16, we held our Annual General Meeting. The virtual meeting was well attended and our guest speakers were an asset to the agenda. I’d like to thank Councillor Jennifer McKelvie as well as 43 Division constables Julie Rowe and Leanna Gill for their informative presentations. Highlights included future changes to local roads, community park upgrades and essential safety tips for our cars and homes. Our election for 2022 board members resulted in a new board member who will join us this month. I am pleased to announce that Kathy Rew is now a member of our executive board.

Reflecting on 2021, the CCRA is proud of the matters we advocated for on behalf of the community. The application for the biogas plant on Coronation Drive was withdrawn in February. I believe the pressure that area associations put on the politicians resulted in this decision. It took a great deal of work and support from key players. The decision by the company was music to our ears.

The traffic lights that were installed in September at Meadowvale and Lawrence now provide a safe crossing for pedestrians and cars. A three-way stop at the intersection of McGrath Court and Tilley Drive has noticeably calmed down vehicle traffic. Most recently, the CCRA wrote a letter of objection to the Committee of Adjustment (COA) regarding an application for variances for a new build on Cedarview Drive. On November 17, I spoke to the objection of this application at the hearing and I am pleased to report that the application was rejected by the COA.

Looking to 2022, the CCRA will present some new projects and hopefully more in-person events!


Board members Lori Gagnon and Alex Visan have left our board to pursue other interests. Three years ago, Lori created a donations/fundraising portfolio for the CCRA. Alex was our committee planning chair. I’d like to thank both Lori and Alex for their contributions to the CCRA over the past few years, and we wish them all the best.


I want to express my deep thanks to our board members who gave their time, energy and dedication to the CCRA throughout 2021. This board consists of an exceptionally bright group of volunteers. I couldn’t lead without their unwavering loyalty and support. I look forward to another year as we work together for our community.

It’s Holiday Time

The Centennial holiday spirit is here! As you saw on page 1, there will be a tree lighting event at the Port Union Community Centre on Dec. 4 and the Highland Creek Festival of Lights on Dec. 3. West Rouge Sports and Recreation will be hosting its first community outdoor carol sing at the West Rouge Community Centre on Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. Other area holiday happenings include the Toronto Police Auxiliary Toy Drive. Everyone is invited to take part in these events.

The CCRA wishes you and yours a joyous and safe holiday season.