It was a perfect summer for outdoor festivals and concerts

By Kathy Rowe      

Hello community readers! We’re back! September has arrived on the heels of a wonderful summer. The CCRA was represented at a number of events throughout June and July. It was a pleasure to take part in two festivals this summer. The Highland Creek Heritage Festival and the Port Union Waterfront Festival were held in June under sunny skies. For the first time, the Highland Creek Festival was held in Highland Creek Community Park on Ellesmere. What a terrific venue for such a fun-filled event! The Port Union Waterfront Festival had an impressive turnout and many families enjoyed all the activities offered that day. The CCRA partnered with Scientists in School for both festivals and it was fun to watch the children participate in the science activities. Many thanks to the volunteers who took the time to help represent the CCRA at these events.

On July 7, the West Rouge Housing Co-operative on Clappison Blvd. celebrated 25 years of co-op living in our community. The CCRA was invited to join their celebration and membership chair Denise Bacon joined me in representing our association at the party. There was plenty of great food, games and entertainment for the young families to enjoy. Once again, congratulations to the planning committee and the residents of the West Rouge Housing Co-operative.

The three Sunday evening concerts in July had record attendance this year. All of the performances were held outdoors behind the Port Union Community Centre under clear skies! The nights were warm and the ice cream was a sellout each time. A big thank you to the three bands for their fine performances this year. I also want to acknowledge those volunteers who came out to help set up, sell tickets, manage the kitchen and serve the refreshments at each concert. Your time and support was very much appreciated. Please see page 11 for photos from the concerts.

CCRA board news

I’d like to announce that board member Mark Campbell will be taking on the transportation portfolio. Mark also enjoys contributing to our newspaper and we thank him for his solid commitment to the CCRA. We also have a new photographer! Ishmam Rahman approached me in the spring about taking photos for our newspaper and he has already proven himself as a fine photographer. You can enjoy his work on our centre spread. Welcome, Ishmam! We are pleased to have you share your talent with us.

Rella Braithwaite

As you have read on our front page, Centennial lost an important member of our community this summer. Rella Braithwaite passed away in her home at the age of 96.

I attended her funeral and it was a wonderful tribute to Rella. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were there to express their passionate love for this iconic woman. There was soulful music played and sung by everyone. There were many heartfelt stories told with love and humour. It was clear that Rella will remain in the hearts of many people for a long time to come. It was my honour to attend this celebration of life and I will remember it always.