By Denise Bacon

Membership in CCRA is more important than ever. CCRA, along with other neighbourhood associations, is currently advocating against the proposal for a new waste treatment plant on Coronation Drive. CCRA fully supports the need for a new plant in the province, but it must be an industrial area close to major highway systems.

The fight against the Coronation Drive location for the proposed plant is because it would entail about 200 large trucks travelling through residential streets 24 hours a day. These trucks would create a hazard to children and families who play and live in the neighbourhood.

The greater the number of members of CCRA, the stronger the advocacy will be. Every household membership matters for this very important and time sensitive issue.

CCRA is offering a special incentive for residents who purchase 2020 memberships during the month of November. There will be five random draw prizes from among all these memberships.


  • Two $50 Gift Certificates for award-winning Len Duckworth Fish & Chips at 2648 Danforth Ave.
  • Three self-care gift baskets courtesy of L’Oreal.

CCRA looks forward to awarding these prizes to five new members!
It’s easy just click on “Join CCRA”.