By Denise Bacon
April showers bring May flowers and the kick-off of the annual CCRA Membership Campaign! This year, membership is more important than ever as our community needs a very strong voice as some vandalism has damaged our community mural. Car thefts have touched neighbours and friends and we need to come together to bring tranquility back to Centennial.
Membership in CCRA helps your community association to have a strong voice with Police Services, politicians, developers, city staff and other decision makers that affect us. Your membership dollars help to support the many events that CCRA hosts each year to bring everyone together in fun social gatherings. Neighbours knowing neighbours is what makes for a strong community.
In 2023, your membership will specifically help to fund the repair of the defacement of the beautiful mural depicting the history of this community on the west facing wall of the plaza at Port Union and Lawrence.
Please welcome any CCRA Volunteer Canvasser who may knock on your door this summer, starting in May. Membership remains the same at $15 for each household for the year.
Please keep Centennial strong by joining the Centennial Community and Recreation Association, which has been advocating for our lovely neighbourhood for almost 75 years. The Membership Application Form has information on how to join.

Please contact Denise Bacon at 647-982-3561 or at membership@ccranews.com if you would like to help with the membership campaign by canvassing your neighbours. This is a great way to meet neighbours and to help our community.