By Kathy Rowe

The aggressive proposal for the biogas waste facility on Coronation Drive has made for a busy summer for the core group of area residents who have been working with me on this matter. Here is a recap on what you need to know should the province grant approval to this proposal:

  • Coronation Organics will build two anaerobic digesters and a storage facility on a parcel of land at 633 Coronation Drive. This will be the largest plant of its kind in all of Ontario and possibly all of Canada.
  • The plant could operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • The plant operation proposes to process food waste from outside of Toronto (within Ontario) to produce fertilizer and gas. The gas will be sold back to Enbridge.
  • It is estimated that more than 100 trucks will be coming and going from the site daily as they travel to and from Highway 401. A truck route has not been revealed, but you can be sure that Beechgrove, Manse, Coronation, Lawrence, Morningside and Port Union will be in the mix.
  • The facility will emit at least six toxic and greenhouse gases and particulates.
  • In July, Coronation Organics hired a company to conduct a traffic impact study. You can find this study on their website (Please note that the city was NOT consulted for this traffic study.)
  • In August, Coronation Organics hired a company to conduct a noise impact study. (This study is slated to be complete by August 31.)
  • Once the noise impact study is complete, public commentary to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) will reopen.

What can you do?

1. contact the ERO (when submissions reopen) and submit written concerns *

2. read and sign the petition (which has more than 8,000 signatures!)*

3. write to elected officials* at both the provincial and municipal levels.

* See our website ( for links and details regarding submissions.

I want to thank the members of the group who continue to work tirelessly on this issue. You know who you are. In addition, I want to mention those who have helped us along the way. Thank you to the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) for the much-needed advice,  CCRA, West Rouge Community Association, and the Highland Creek Community Association for supporting this cause and helping with the cost of the lawn signs.

I will continue to update Centennial residents via our E-blasts and this publication as information becomes available.