Master Warrant Officer T. Chatta was selected as one of 18 Ontario Army Cadets to attend the Canadian Forces Basic Parachute course run at CFB Trenton.
By Capt. T. Foulds
A busy training year for QOR Cadets, who meet on Tuesdays at Mowat CI, was capped off with a weekend of activities, including canoeing, at Balsam Lake Provincial Park, and then our Annual Ceremonial Review. Our Reviewing Officer, on the anniversary of the QOR landing first on D-Day, was Col. Roger Vandomme with the French Embassy. All of the Cadets were recognized for their personal development and achievements over the year.
The summer brought more activities for all the Cadets who wanted to participate in a two, three or six-week program. We were honoured to have two of our key cadets chosen for National Programs: Voyage in History took our Regimental Sergeant Major to visit battlefields and sites in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, together with other Cadets from across the country. And CFB Trenton was the destination for another Cadet who was chosen as one of 18 Ontario Cadets to be enrolled on a Parachute Qualification course.
Come and visit us at Sir Oliver Mowat from 18h30 any Tuesday starting September 17, or check us out at www.qorcadets.ca, or on social media QORCadets.