Every day is Earth Day for Rishi and Nicky who regularly pick up litter with their mother. The brothers are learning at an early age about responsibility for the planet.
By Denise Bacon
Rishi and Nicky are brothers who often go out into the neighbourhood with their Mom to pick up litter. Every day is Earth Day for these boys who are learning at their young ages about responsibility for the planet.
Campaign Clean Centennial will continue indefinitely. Centennial residents are so fortunate to live in this beautiful part of Toronto. Keeping this campaign going will help to keep our neighbourhood litter-free.
Sunday, May 19 to Saturday, May 25 is Campaign Clean Centennial week. All residents are asked to be extra mindful to pick up litter that week. When going for a walk, residents are invited to take a trash bag, glove and/or tongs and to pick up litter along their way.
Together, we will have and maintain a Clean Centennial. We will have the cleanest community in Toronto!