Steen Thureson. Swansons are the settlers in our Rouge, and have raised their family of five cygnets since June 2021. Watching their habits has been incredibly enjoyable for many of us to see.
The West Rouge Photography group on Facebook was started in the summer of 2019 by local photographer Colin Winn. The group has now grown to almost 2,000 members.
A very positive and supportive online community, the group welcomes all who enjoy taking photos or just love seeing incredible shots of local wildlife and natural beauty in and around the Centennial and West Rouge areas.
We are incredibly fortunate to live close to so many natural areas, including the Rouge National Urban Park and Colonel Danforth Park. Through their lenses, many people have been able to discover hidden beauty there, and they love to share their photos on the West Rouge Photography site.
Capturing unique shots of wildlife takes a bit of luck and a great deal of patience on the part of the photographers. The fabulous photos on these pages are excellent examples of their persistence.
While every season offers wonderful scenery, winter may be the most stunning of all. The snow and ice have the power to transform the ordinary into something truly magical. There’s not a lot that can get most of us out of bed and down to the waterfront on a freezing cold morning, but for many local photographers there’s a great reward in capturing the winter sunrise.
All are welcome to join the West Rouge Photography page. You don’t have to be a photographer; you can just sign up to enjoy some amazing photos and lively banter. Colin hopes the photos on the site will inspire everyone to appreciate and conserve our natural spaces.
Prazanthy Ramesh. These two young foxes were spotted playing together in the snow. I managed to capture this intimate moment from far away without disturbing their fun.

Dan Granner. I spotted this coyote from afar sitting under a tree. He kept his eyes on me for a bit allowing a few photos then slowly walked away into the forest making sure I wasn’t following him.

Colin Winn. For those who enjoy stunning natural beauty and wildlife, sunrise at Rouge Beach is a photographer’s paradise. This is a shot of local photographer Gail Tucker lost in the moment.

Michael McCabe. We are very fortunate to have white-tailed deer living in the Highland Creek Ravine. Here, a couple of young does are wishing each other a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Kim Stewart-Strong. Meet Mrs. Muskrat. This photo was taken in early spring of 2021, while she was having her morning snack in the reeds of the West Rouge Pond.

Stephanie Lake These red-tailed hawks have a huge nest in the ravine behind our house. I noticed they were eyeing smaller birds at the feeder and was able to get a shot on a very cold day from the kitchen window.
