Take care of our more vulnerable neighbours

Dear Readers,

These certainly are exceptional times. COVID-19 has dominated our thoughts day in and day out for several weeks now. I am hoping that our community will stay healthy through all of this. I believe that Centennial residents are caring and kind. It is times like these that allow those traits to shine.

I know that we will continue to  take precautions and look out for our more vulnerable neighbours through these tough days ahead. We hope that you will find this issue of Centennial News interesting and entertaining.  When the editorial team was planning this issue, we agreed that we wanted our readers to smile when they saw the front page. Lifting spirits during these stressful times is crucial.

Thank You

I  want to express my sincere thanks to the CCRA dance committee members for their many hours of planning for a dance that could not take place last month. You can be assured that when we do finally bring you this dance it will be a party to remember!

Earth Day Thoughts

Our Earth Day event remains an uncertainty at this time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show care and respect for our planet. If every resident were to go outdoors to collect two or three pieces of garbage, just imagine the impact that would have on our boulevards, ravines, creeks and lakeshore.

Because of the coronavirus, many of us have the luxury of time these days.  Therefore,  I encourage you to do what you can to keep our community clean and safe. Please visit our website www.ccranews.com for updates regarding our community Earth Day planned for April 25.