By Tracy Forsyth
The 2nd Highland Creek Scout group continues to have a busy schedule and would like to thank the community for their support of the successful Apple Day fundraiser in October. The money collected helps pay for school permits, campsite rentals, leader training, program support badges and other expenses. Thank you to Mike and Lori’s No Frills, Shopper’s Drug Mart, Harvest Call Ministries, Pizza Pizza, Mr Beans and Energy Martial Arts for their continued support of Apple Day. We would like to send a special thank you to Jodi Gear for the generous donation of the apples. We are fortunate we live in such a supportive community.

as well as camp stove and campfire safety.
Photo by Kimberly Roy
The sections have been busy this fall: Beavers explored Guild Park in the evening, and Scouts went on a night hike in the Rouge and attended a fall camp at Woodland Trails where they learned camp skills such as safe axe and saw usage, camp stove and campfire safety. Athough it was snowy and cold, they had a great weekend. Cubs have been busy practicing putting up tents and other program activities.
We look forward to more adventures in the coming year.
Photos by Kimberly Roy